Touring Bags for /5's

Smart tourers eventually get bags. Back in the early 1970s, several companies manufactured touring bags that worked just fine with BMW motorcycles. Now, you can find bags at swap meets, in the classifieds, and some places listed on the 5United parts pages. All the touring bags shown here require a frame that mounts to the subframe on the /5 motorcycle. The frames were made by the manufacturers who made the bags, so obviously, when you buy a set of bags, you'll need to buy frames. There are two different styles of Wixom bags, and two different styles of Enduro bags.

/5 with Wixom bags

The bike shown here, owned by Robert White of Tampa, Fla., has Wixom bags. They're made of fiberglass.

/5 with Wixom bags

These bags are also made by the Wixom Company.

/5 with Craven bags

Craven bags were made in England and it's not uncommon to see them on /5s, /2s and their contemporary British bikes. Elegant in appearance, these bags usually cost about twice as much as the Wixoms, Bates or Enduros in similar condition.

Enduro bags

There's another bag called Enduro Bags. These are usually seen on BMW /2 series. Rich Spehar has a set. Notice the taillights.

Bates bags

Bates bags are common. It's not uncommon for the lids to fly off at speed if they're not properly fastened.

Leather bags

BMW offered leather bags as a option for the /5. Made of a hard leather, these bags mounted on frames. What they lacked in load capacity, they made up in style. If you have these, pack light.

Krauser bags

Krauser bags come from later BMWs, but also fit the /5, look good and work well. Made of ABS plastic, reproductions are available new from Hepco & Becker.